“NAKIVO Empowers Proxmox Data Backup and Recovery with Advanced Agent-Based Solution – ITWeb”

“Discover NAKIVO’s Platform-Agnostic Data Protection for Proxmox VMs”

NAKIVO, the leading backup and disaster recovery solution provider, stands by its commitment to providing platform-agnostic data protection. As more businesses turn to the free and open-source Proxmox VE for virtualization, NAKIVO CEO Bruce Talley notes that adding support for this platform has been a top request from customers. With this move, NAKIVO extends its extensive platform support and caters to the demand for flexible data protection options in the open-source virtualization space.

Protecting Proxmox VM data is now possible with NAKIVO Backup & Replication, which already supports industry leaders such as VMware, Hyper-V, and Nutanix AHV. With the addition of Proxmox VE, customers can now utilize agent-based backup for their Proxmox VM data. This support offers a range of capabilities, including full and incremental image-based backup, backup copy to remote sites, public clouds, and tape, as well as full VM data recovery and instant recovery of files and app objects to the original or a custom location. This integration not only provides a comprehensive backup and restore solution for Proxmox VMs but also showcases NAKIVO’s unwavering commitment to platform-agnostic data protection.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMic2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lml0d2ViLmNvLnphL2FydGljbGUvbmFraXZvLWVuYWJsZXMtYWdlbnQtYmFzZWQtYmFja3VwLWFuZC1yZWNvdmVyeS1mb3ItcHJveG1veC12bS1kYXRhL0tXRUJiN3lMejlBdm1Sak_SAQA?oc=5

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